Sunday, March 29, 2020
Jon Essays - , Term Papers, Research Papers, Book Reports
Jon 6 December 1999 Religious Studies 6th ARN Chapter 8 This chapter's focus is on wholeness, and our journey toward strength, beauty, and happiness. Everyone, specifically teens, must journey through their path to wholeness; we all struggle with problems such as finding ourselves lovable and freeing ourselves of hooks that seem to grab and control us. One must remember however that wholeness is not perfection. It is the balancing of all the parts of self to create a dynamic and harmonious order. This virtue is also known as temperance. When one tries to be perfect one wages a war against another aspect of oneself. Instead we must realize that we are complex creatures that have many different aspects; we are physical, rational, emotional, social, and spiritual. During our journey to wholeness, we will fall but through perseverance and God's help, we can balance our lives. After, reading the chapter, I realized that self-consciousness caused all of the problems that made us stumble on our road to wholeness. Many Americans believe that they must fit into a mold. For example, many teens are motivated to drink alcohol, smoke, and take drugs because it is cool thing to do. Yet others, who see past such misconceptions, still give in because they feel that they help them relax during parties. People who suffer from eating disorder believe that society calls them to fit the perfect dress or waist size. Young teens feel pressured into premarital sex either because their partner or peers pressure them, or because our culture condones it. In all situations people choose to unbalance their lives for the sake of others. We all seem to be caught up with our reputation, what others think about us. The most compelling example is the story of Doug's death. His body told him that he had had enough yet his struggle to please his peers ultimately led to his death. Why do we waste our lives for people who really do not care for us? It is a viscous circle. One person pressures others to make wrong choices because another has done the same to them. For such reasons, I have resolved to rebuke such calls to unnecessary pride. I will try to love myself first before thinking of how others think of me!
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Issues and Controversies Journalists Face
Issues and Controversies Journalists Face Theres never been a more tumultuous time in the news business. Newspapers are drastically downsizing and facing bankruptcy or the prospect of going out of business entirely. Web journalism is on the rise and taking many forms, but there are real questions about whether it can really replace newspapers. Press freedom, meanwhile, continues to be nonexistent or under threat in many countries around the world. There are also ongoing controversies about issues such as journalistic objectivity and fairness. It seems like a tangled mess at times, but there are many factors involved that well examine in detail. Print Journalism in Peril Newspapers are in trouble. Circulation is dropping, ad revenue is shrinking, and the industry has experienced an unprecedented wave of layoffs and cutbacks. So what does the future hold? While some people will argue that newspapers are dead or dying, many traditional outlets are indeed adapting to the new digital world. Most offer all of their content online, either via paid subscriptions or for free. This is also true for TV and radio media outlets. Though it seemed at first as if modern technology would win out over tradition, the tide seems to be finding a balance. For example, local papers are discovering new ways to localize a story to attract readers interested in a smaller piece of the bigger picture. The Rise of Web Journalism With the decline of newspapers, web journalism seems to be the future of the news business. But what exactly do we mean by web journalism? And can it really replace newspapers? In general terms, web journalism includes bloggers, citizen journalists, hyper-local news sites, and even websites for print papers. The internet certainly opened up the world for more people to write whatever they want, but that doesnt mean all of these sources have the same credibility. Bloggers, for instance, tend to focus on a niche topic, as do citizen journalists. Because some of these writers do not have training in or necessarily care about the ethics of journalism, their personal bias can come across in what they write. This is not what we consider journalism per se. Journalists are concerned with the facts,à getting to the heart of the story, and have their own on-the-job lingo. Digging for answers and telling them in objective ways has long been a goal of professional reporters. Indeed, many of these professionals have found an outlet in the online world, which makes it tricky for news consumers. Some bloggers and citizen journalists are unbiased and produce great news reports. Likewise, some professional journalists are not objective and lean one way or another on political and social issues. This burgeoning online outlet has created all types on either side. This is the larger dilemma because it is now up to readers to decide what is credible and what is not. Press Freedoms and Reporters Rights In the United States, the press enjoys a great deal of freedom to report critically and objectively on the important issues of the day. This freedom of the press is granted by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. In much of the world, press freedom is either limited or virtually nonexistent. Reporters are often thrown in jail, beaten, or even killed just for doing their jobs. Even in the U.S. and other free-press countries, journalists face ethical dilemmas about confidential sources, disclosing information, and cooperating with law enforcement. All of these things are of great concern and debate to professional journalism. However, ità is unlikely to be anything that resolves itself in the near future. Bias, Balance, and an Objective Press Is the press objective? Which news outlet is really fair and balanced, and what does that actually mean? How can reporters set aside their biases and really report the truth? These are some of the biggest questions of modern journalism. Newspapers, cable television news, and radio broadcasts have all come under fire for reporting stories with a bias. This is especially true in political reporting, but even some stories that should not be politicized fall victim to it. A perfect example can be found on cable news. You can watch the same story on two networks and get two completely different perspectives. The political divide has indeed swept into journalism - in print, on air, and online. Thankfully, a number of reporters and outlets have kept their bias in check and continue to tell the story in a fair and balanced manner.
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